Medical care for children

The POGA centre provides individual consultations and rehabilitation programmes for children with functional disabilities. All of the treatments are grounded in the latest scientific breakthroughs in medicine and are administered under the guidance of professionally trained specialists.

Medical care for adults

Unlike many paediatric only programmes that stop providing care when the patient grows out of the system, the Poga centre's specialists have additional training which allows them to continue working with patients into adulthood.

Price list

Specialist consultation Time Price
Pediatric health assessment
60 minutes 125.00€
Apvienotā tehniskā ortopēda un fizioterapeita konsultācija
50 minutes 85.00€
Pirmreizēja fizoterapijas vadītājas konsultācija
100 minutes 85.00€
Fizioterapeita konsultācija, padziļināta, pirmreizējā
50 minutes 60.00€
Physical therapy consult
50 minutes 45.00€
Physical therapy treatment
50 minutes 40.00€
Fizioterapija programmā "Podziņa"
50 minutes 45.00€
TheraSuit3 physical therapy course
(15 days in course)
3 hours 150.00€
TheraSuit2 physical therapy course
(15 days in course)
2 hours 100.00€
TheraSuit treatment session
50 minutes 50.00€
RYSEN gaitas rehabilitācijas nodarbība
50 minūtes 50.00€
Occupational therapy consult
45 minutes 45.00€
Occupational therapy treatment
45 minutes 40.00€
Pablo tehnoloģijas izmantošana
(Fizioterapijas vai ergoterapijas nodarbībās)
Nirvana tehnoloģijas izmantošana
(Izmanto fizioterapijas, RYSEN vai TheraSuit nodarbībās)
Mollii terapijas programmēšana (pirmā nodarbība)
90 minūtes 90.00€
Molli programmas korekcija
30 minutes 25.00€
Mollii fizioterapijas nodarbība
50 minutes 50.00€
Mollii terapija mājās
1 diena 15.00€
Massage for children
45 minutes 35.00€
Muguras masāža pieaugušajiem
45 minutes 35.00€
MOTOmed therapy session
30 minutes 0.00€

About POGA

About POGA
The rehabilitation centre POGA (The Button) is a place where children and their parents are loved and understood. We know the challenges of these families, how they live their daily lives, and how to help. With empathy, professionalism, and the latest technological and medical breakthroughs, the specialists of the rehabilitation centre "Poga", just like caring parents, help children to learn new skills, strengthen their spirit, and achieve new victories. Professional specialists, innovative rehabilitation techniques, a multidisciplinary approach, and a comfortable environment.

The rehabilitation centre "Poga" is a nonprofit organisation that was founded on 13 January 2015 with the support of The goal of the Foundation is to create an outstanding rehabilitation environment and to bring Latvia the newest rehabilitation technologies. To support families raising children with movement impairments and to help the country develop the rehabilitation industry. The centre operates thanks to generous donations and the compassion of people. has handed over a building in Riga at 2c Sēlpils Street to the rehabilitation centre. The building is adapted for people with movement impairments, is close to the city centre, and in the yard it has free parking for its visitors.


Rehabilitation Center POGA

Opening ours

Working days
8:00 - 18:00




Sēlpils street 2c, Riga, LV 1007
Nodrošināta vides pieejamība klientiem ar funkcionāliem traucējumiem atbilstoši MK noteikumu Nr.60 prasībām. Ikviens mūsu klients ar funkcionāliem traucējumiem var patstāvīgi pārvietoties centra telpās.


The Poga Center
Selpils street 2c, Riga, LV 1007
Registration number: 40008232256
Ārstn.iest.reģ.nr.: 0100-01636
Bank: Swedbank
Bank account number: LV18HABA0551039540967
