Medical care for adults

G-EO System programme for adults

The G-EO System (Switzerland) is one of the most advanced walking rehabilitation robotic systems in the world, and the "Poga" rehabilitation centre is the only centre in the Baltic states that provides rehabilitation with this system to its patients.

The G-EO System is a unique and innovative rehabilitation device that facilitates gait training and precise modulation. Patient improvement is achieved through simulation of the physiological gait stereotype and a large number of repetitions of given movements. On average, a patient assisted by robotics takes 800 - 1000 steps per one session, in this manner ensuring that feedback to the central nervous system is established. During the therapy, new impulse transmission pathways are formed in the brain, allowing one to learn new movements or to recover lost ones. The therapy results in the normalisation and improvement of gait quality through the principles of motor control and dynamic weight transfer.

During the G-EO System therapy, the patient benefits from:

  • the adjustment of gait stereotype: step length, speed, weight transfer, pelvic derotation, gait cycle phases;
  • improved muscular strength;
  • increased passive and active movement range;
  • improved performance of the vestibular system;
  • contracture prevention;
  • balance and co-ordination training;
  • stimulation of bone density improvement;
  • normalised muscle tone;
  • improved active stability of the hip joint.

With the G-EO System, the patient can not only train walking on a flat surface, but also work on walking up and down stairs. The patient may also train an isolated part of the gait cycle. Depending on the functional state of the patient, there are three exercise modes available - passive, assistive and active.

Compared to other gait robotics, the G-EO System has a unique option of using functional electrical stimulation (FES) during gait training. During the therapy, FES allows the attaching of electrodes to the muscles involved in walking to provide stimulation of a particular muscle at a particular gait cycle phase and achieve better therapeutic results.

During the G-EO System therapy, the patient benefits from:

  • the adjustment of gait stereotype: step length, speed, weight transfer, pelvic derotation, gait cycle phases;
  • improved muscular strength;
  • increased passive and active movement range;
  • improved performance of the vestibular system;
  • contracture prevention;
  • balance and co-ordination training;
  • stimulation of bone density improvement;
  • normalised muscle tone;
  • improved active stability of the hip joint.

The G-EO System can be used for the following diagnoses:

  • ischemic and haemorrhagic stroke;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • demyelinating diseases (multiple sclerosis, etc.);
  • polyradiculoneuritis (Guillain Barré syndrome, etc.);
  • degenerative disorders of the nervous system (Parkinson's disease, etc.);
  • traumatic brain damage.

The G-EO System is also widely used in orthopaedics and traumatology.

Contraindications that prevent the patient from using the G-EO System:

  • acute conditions;
  • oncological diseases;
  • orthostatic hypotension;
  • unconsolidated fractures;
  • severe osteoporosis;
  • acute, inflammatory skin processes;
  • hip replacement subluxation of more than 50%;
  • progressive scoliosis greater than 500;
  • permanent contractures;
  • differences in leg length (that are not being treated with orthopaedic footwear);
  • mental illnesses with unpredictable behaviour;
  • body weight exceeding 150 kg;
  • height exceeding 190 cm;
  • pregnancy.

The specialists of the rehabilitation centre “Poga” are specially trained and certified for working with G-EO System gait robotics. The specialists receive regular training to maintain and develop their qualifications.

Price: The cost of one G-EO System session within the treatment course is 40 euros. The price of the rehabilitation treatment course is 760 euros, which includes 19 sessions, 1 hour each. The cost of a separate session, not included in the rehabilitation course, is 50 euros. To receive G-EO System robotic rehabilitation treatment, a patient must simultaneously attend classic physiotherapy sessions. Physiotherapy sessions are also available at the rehabilitation centre “Poga”.

G-EO System therapy for adults may be prescribed by a neurologist at the rehabilitation centre “Poga”.
